More deadly: guns or cell phone use in cars?

How to stop cell phone use in cars?

Cell phones are a lot like guns; both kill people. Guns kill people with bullets and bad behavior. In most states, guns require permits and some training. Cell phones require no permits, no contracts and no training. Guns require bullets and often are mishandled by criminals. When a cell phone is used while driving, it’s avoidable bad behavior. Almost criminal, don’t you think? No bullets are necessary to kill, but too many people are dead because of the laissez-faire attitude to stop cell phone use in cars.

While you think of a gun as a weapon, death by cell phone use while driving is an epidemic – far worse than drunk driving.

Texting is banned in 35 states and counting, but most likely cell phone use in cars will not be stopped.

Why? Like guns, people will not allow for their personal freedoms to be taken away. The cell phone companies will lobby lawmakers because they want people to use cell phones more often, not less. Mobile phone lobbyists are quite powerful and have deep pockets. Nobody likes being told they cannot do something like talking on their phone, conducting business while driving, and just passing the time while stuck in traffic on the way home from work.

How to stop cell phone use in cars is not going to happen any time soon. Texting while driving bans have been an uphill battle and some states won’t even permit localities to pass a no texting ban.

Without lawmakers making better laws, people can still take personal and professional responsibility into their own hands by not using the cell phone while driving; by setting an example and teaching your teenagers not to use a cell phone while driving; and if you are business owners – establish a no cell phone policy for your employees

How to dodge a speeding bullet: Stop cell phone use in cars while driving.